One to One Pilates

Do you have a specific back issue, a health condition, or feel too nervous for a class?

Pilates is personal

If you have an existing health condition, ,back issue or you simply do not feel confident enough to join a class, a One to One Pilates session is a good idea. Even if you just have one, it’s a great way to ensure that the teacher becomes aware of your body and what it needs before you pick up with a class. Many people never join a class. They want a more tailored approach and a quiet space to work in at their own pace.

If you want to try a One to One just click on the button above or below and go ahead and book an appointment. You‘ll need to choose either a Mat session or a Reformer one as the prices are different. be sure top complete the PAR Q health Questionnaire at the link when prompted so we receive your information before we see you. If you’ve already completed one just type a Y in the box provided and it will allow you to book at the bottom blue button.

If you decide to come every week for a One to One session you’ll get a discount code which makes each session slightly cheaper. (7% off) and occasionally you’ll be offer one-off promotions too.