One to One Pilates

Do you have a specific back issue, a health condition, or feel too nervous for a class?

Make an appointment by clicking on the picture in the left box

If you have an existing health condition, ,back issue or you simply do not feel confident enough to join a class, a One to One Pilates session is a good idea. Even if you just have one, it’s a great way to ensure that the teacher becomes aware of your body and what it needs before you pick up with a class. Many people never join a class. They want a more tailored approach and a quiet space to work in at their own pace.

If you want to try a One to One please use the booking system on the left. You will be offered available appointments when you select a day on the calander. You‘ll need to choose either a Mat session or a Reformer one as the prices are different. Be sure top complete the PAR Q health Questionnaire at the link when prompted near the end so we receive your information before we see you. If you’ve already completed one just type a Y in the box provided and it will allow you to book at the bottom blue button.